Thrive Professional Meal Planning Apps

Thrive 2.6.2
THRIVE is a professional meal planning,foodand activity logging tool that can only be activated byanauthorized nutrition counselor. You can login to THRIVE byusingthe username and password that was provided by the counselorwhenyour web based cloud account is set up. Your personalizedmealplan, grocery list, daily caloric goal and weight control goalaresetup by the counselor on your web cloud account, then pushedtothe THRIVE app. The nutritional and weight management goalsincludeyour daily calorie budget, goal weight, BMI, macronutrientratiosand other important factors that attribute to betteroverallhealth, nutritional habits and weight control.How it works: Once you login to THRIVE app you can accessyourdaily meal plan as recommended by your counselor, grocery list,logfoods and activities to track your daily amount ofcaloriesconsumed or burned during activities, and compare thosenumberswith what has been established by your counselor. THRIVE'scloudaccount also allows logging online via a web basedportal.Regardless if you log on your phone or the cloud account,all datais sync'd up and down. This logged information can then beviewedand monitored by your nutrition counselor for better coachingandcompliance to your personal plan.NOTE: TO USE THRIVE YOU WILL NEED TO LOGIN WITH YOUR USERNAMEANDPASSWORD PROVIDED BY YOUR NUTRITION PROFESSIONAL. IF YOU HAVEANYQUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL [email protected].